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The Distillery

Distillerie de Lure, founded in 1898 at Forcalquier, in Provence, knew a succession of owners for nearly 80 years, amongst whom was Henri Bardouin, a man with a passionate interest in plants and herbs. Then in 1974 Alain Robert and his small team took the helm of the company now known as Distilleries et Domaines de Provence. Certain emblematic brands have existed since the first days of the Distillery, and other have been created over the years to correspond to the evolution in tastes and drinking habits. 

Today our specialities are sold in over 78 countries all around the world. 


Founded in 1898 at Forcalquier in the Haute Provence, Distilleries et Domaines de Provence have been making aperitifs and Provencal liqueurs for over 100 years. 

In the 19th century some became pharmacists, others distillers, and some combined both trades. Wine and alcohol, maceration and distillation were the means by which the plants’ aromas and active ingredients could be extracted and conserved. The specialities that they created from the plants of the Lure region were often concoctions with purgative qualities, or tonics, digestives and aperitifs. It was only at the end of the century that distillers began to specialise in the production of liqueurs and aperitif drinks.


Today these skills have been preserved and maintained by Distilleries et Domaines de Provence for over 100 years, to be diffused throughout the world for the greater pleasure of all lovers of fine spirits. 

From the Distillerie de Lure to the Distilleries et Domaines de Provence


1898 :

Creation of the Distillerie de Lure.
It is known that it was founded in 1898 thanks to a poster from 1935 that mentioned that the “Distillerie de Lure” was 37 years old, although the name of the original founder is not recorded. The Distillery occupies modest premises in the center of Forcalquier.

Our Products



Ultra Premium Absinthe Bitter

Grande Absente will awaken your thirst for forbidden flavours as you perform the legendary ritual: gently pour iced water over a sugar cube perched on an absinthe spoon atop a glass.
Watch as the absinthe clouds in the glass and assumes its broody iridescent hue... Then, even before taking your first sip, breathe in the aromas and fragrances of aniseed, mint and spices that accompany the essence of the absinthe plant.


Premium Absinthe Liqueur

Ready to drink, Absente can be enjoyed without the addition of sugar. With an alcohol content of 55% and 10mg of Thujone, it is the first Absinthe authorised.



70 cl - 26° alcohol

Absente 26 is a low alcohol absinthe liqueur in the absinthe family. Composed of wormwood, wormwood plants, male aurone, green anise, melissa and peppermint, it becomes
fluoresces in the dark under black light (due to the presence of riboflavin, a natural colouring agent).




FLUO 26°

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